Which is better, Spotify Family or Spotify Duo?
The main difference is the number of people who can use the plan and the additional features that are offered.

Spotify Duo are both more cost-effective than individual Premium subscriptions. However, the cost of Spotify Familiar cuesta 17,99 euros al mes is higher than that of Spotify Duo due to the larger number of users it accommodates.
What is Spotify Family and Spotify Duo?
Spotify Family is a plan designed for up to six people living at the same address. Each member has their own individual Premium account, so they can listen to their own music without interruptions. In addition, Spotify Family includes the Family Mix feature, which creates a playlist based on the tastes of all family members.
On the other hand, Spotify Duo is a plan designed for two people. Like Spotify Family, each member has their own individual Premium account. However, Spotify Duo includes the Duo Mix feature, which creates a playlist based on the tastes of both people.
Price Comparison
In terms of price, Spotify Family and Spotify Duo has significant differences. Spotify Family costs 17.99 euros per month, while Spotify Duo costs 14.99 euros per month. Although the price difference may seem small, it can add up over time, especially if the cost is shared with all the people allowed by each of the plans.
The main difference is the number of people who can use the plan and the additional features that are offered. By being able to dividir el precio del plan premium familiar entre 6 personas, it makes it 3.00€ per person, on the other hand, the Duo plan price per person is 7.50€. A big difference. offers a price difference between the 2 plans.
Additional Features
Family Mix and Duo Mix
As mentioned earlier, Spotify Family and Spotify Duo offer additional features that are designed to enhance the listening experience. Family Mix and Duo Mix are personalized playlists that are created based on the musical tastes of the plan members.
These playlists are regularly updated and offer a great way to descubrir nueva música. However, it's important to note that these playlists are only available to plan members and cannot be shared with people outside of the plan.
Parental Control
Spotify Family also offers a parental control feature. This allows parents to control the type of content their children can access, which can be a great advantage for families with young children.
On the other hand, Spotify Duo does not offer a parental control feature. This may not be a problem for couples without children, but it can be a disadvantage for couples with children who also want to use the service.
In summary, both Spotify Family and Spotify Duo offer excellent value for money. The choice between them will depend on your needs, but in terms of price, the family plan is better since by sharing the cost with five other people you can save a significant amount of money.
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