Netflix practically free: know the conditions
When it comes to Netflix, it makes sense to look for alternatives to find low prices, almost giveaways, but one must be informed about all the conditions.

The streaming platform par excellence today and since its inception is undoubtedly Netflix. It has a wide variety of content adapted to all types of audiences, and it releases new content continuously, so why not subscribe? Perhaps what often stops us is the price we have to pay, especially considering the rest of the streaming platforms that compete with Netflix, as we also want to be users of these and find ourselves forced to choose.
At this point, we start thinking about alternatives so as not to have to give up any of these streaming services and look for options that allow us to get them at a lower price, the lower it is, the better for our pockets.
There are many price alternatives to subscribe to these platforms, you can always find coupons or cards for limited times, but there are also options like subscriptions purchased from Aliexpress, Wallapop, eBay and a large etcetera, these usually have almost giveaway prices, or at least it seems so, as it can even turn out to be more expensive than usual.
Without However, often we do not concern ourselves with the origin of these accounts that are provided to us, since they are generally existing accounts from which we are shared the passwords. The issue is that when we come across these types of bargains, we should carefully consider our decision to buy or not, because, as we were discussing, all these contracts are illegal due to the fact that they involve stolen accounts which pose many problems for the buyer.
What distributors do is hack into existing accounts and steal passwords to sell them, and the account that the buyer has is essentially someone else's. That's why they always try to ensure that the user does not change the password. On the other hand, all this means that the owners of the accounts can interact with your profile and realize this scam, consequently they can change the password so the user loses access.
As a buyer of these illegal accounts, you lose any possibility of a guarantee to recover your money, since there is no one to claim from.
Cheap Netflix and legal with Sharingful
All of this is far from our service. Our platform is aware of these scams and we want all subscribers to have the security and reliability that they are doing things right.
For this reason, we are the price alternative you were looking for, we do not sell accounts, but we manage groups that share their subscriptions among themselves, so each user will be paying their proportional part of their account and nothing else.
From Sharingful we know how important it is to know the service you are hiring, that's why we provide you with all the information you need at all times and offer you the possibility to communicate with us about any issue in various ways, both by email and by chat. We will always try to resolve your doubts as best as possible and we will always be upfront. You will always be dealing with approachable people whom you can trust.
<img src="" alt="Disney+ with Sharingful" style="display: block;margin-left: We assure you of this trust and security that in the worst case scenario you will never lose your money, because as consumers ourselves, we also like to know where we are putting our money and we want to offer you that as a user of our service. The peace of mind of knowing that you are doing things correctly.
That being said, ours is a platform that facilitates savings on subscription accounts like Netflix among many others, plus we seek your comfort and offer you different payment modalities to adapt to the option that best suits your needs, for example, you can make your payments monthly, annually or every 6 months.
If after reading this post, you are interested in our service, you can visit our website or contact us for any questions you may have. Write to us right now through the live chat on the website or send us an email if you prefer: [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!
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