Nextory, the platform for reading on-screen at a lower price
If reading is one of your passions, we have the best platform for you to have all the books you want at your fingertips with Nextory, getting a much better price on Sharingful.

At Sharingful we also love reading; it's not just about being transported to different worlds through a movie or series, but a good book can make you live a thousand different lives. We want you to enjoy this feeling without spending too much money, so we introduce you to Nextory, the reading platform that we can offer you at a lower cost. Keep reading to discover more.
Do you know Nextory?
Nextory is a platform designed for readers to have hundreds of thousands of books on their devices, as well as audiobooks or magazines, all stored in an easily accessible app so that all these titles are at hand at any time.
If you're reading this, it's probably because you're a reader and are interested in having a good book close by at all times. That's why this platform is the best option since it is one of the most used and offers many benefits to paying subscribers. Easy access from the web or from the app itself ensures there is always something to read or listen to within easy reach.
On this great content platform, you can access all kinds of literary genres, including stories and readings for the little ones. Reaching all audiences, Nextory helps with recommendations based on your tastes and readings from the app so that you don't miss any news. One of the resources available is access to popular reading lists that are updated every week or those presenting the most-read books in history where there are reader comments and ratings received by the author for their work.
Once you've chosen the book you want to read and downloaded it onto your device, you can adjust the settings for more comfortable reading; there are many options to customize the screen according to your preferences, meaning that you can adjust the background color as you like, as well as font type and size for better conditions for yourself. You'll be able to read and listen without an internet connection and create a reading diary where all your books will be logged, as well as set up some goals or statistics according to your daily reading challenge established in the app; this will help determine if you've met those goals.
The platform boasts good customer service and communication with users—in this case, readers—as they have something like a suggestion box where you can leave titles that interest you for availability consideration so they can take them into account and possibly add them to their catalog.
If at this point you're interested in getting a subscription, let us tell you about the rate for becoming a member at Nextory
The lowest Nextory price thanks to Sharingful
Being subscribed to Nextory family means unlimited access to content as previously mentioned but also allows up to 4 profiles on any device even simultaneously. The cost of this is €18.99.
At Sharingful, we also like reading and have included this platform so that you can pay less for it while obtaining the same service. You can do this through two options; both involve sharing this subscription and naturally paying less thanks to that.
The first option is joining a family, which means joining a subscription; doing so lowers the previously mentioned price down to only €4.90—much less than half price. In this case, all you need do is send one or several requests to different existing families or groups, indicate your preferred payment term, and wait for your request's acceptance. Don't worry about trying different families since once accepted into one group all other requests will be canceled.
As an alternative option, you could share your subscription with other users; thus what we call creating a family, here the difference will be that you will receive money from members who join yours—a sum of €3.80 each one-. In this case you have control over your created group; you will be accepting other members choosing how many members you want specifically out of all requests received—when closed just wait for payments managed by Sharingful—and above all enjoy your subscription on whichever platform chosen—In this case Nextory—.
If what you want is creating an account forming family we suggest entering this link registering directly from platform starting using our service—just choose family plan then indicate number profiles interested in having create account—from here steps routine: Provide email address create password confirm details
Automatically get 30-day free trial start using new account!
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