09 dic

Best Netflix Documentaries of 2024
The quality and diversity of documentaries available on Netflix have evolved enormously over the years.
18 sept

How to subscribe to Netflix?
If you're thinking about joining this platform, we will explain all the steps you need to follow to subscribe to Netflix easily.
09 ago

How to use a gift card on Netflix?
One of the ways to enjoy this service is through Netflix gift cards.
02 ago

Change plan on Netflix
Changing your Netflix plan is a simple and straightforward process that you can do at any time.
12 jul

Prices and rates of all Netflix plans
Netflix offers a wide variety of content for all tastes and budgets.
16 may

The Grand Return of The Bridgertons: Everything You Need to Know about Season 3, release date, set details, critics' opinions
02 may

How to watch Netflix outside the home without having to enter any code
If you've ever tried to access Netflix outside your home, you may have encountered certain limitations.
18 abr

5 incredible ways to enjoy Netflix at home
Netflix offers many ways to enhance your streaming experience at home.
20 mar

Your TV is not part of the home on Netflix
Discover why you see that message and how to resolve it
02 feb

How to buy the extra subscriber pass for Netflix
The extra subscriber pass allows you to share Netflix with people who do not live with you.
01 ene

Shared Netflix Accounts
At Sharingful, we guide you step by step to share a Netflix account, helping you save money effectively.
04 dic

Christmas movies on Netflix
Netflix offers a wide variety of Christmas films for all tastes and ages.
08 nov

How can I save on my Netflix subscription?
The price of a Netflix subscription in the UK can be a barrier for many. Fortunately, there is a solution: Sharingful.
25 oct

Subscribe to Netflix and enjoy the best content!
Netflix is the leading streaming service in the world that offers a wide range of content for all tastes and preferences.
23 oct

How to Share a Netflix Account?
Many people choose to share their account with friends, family, and even roommates to save money and enjoy a wide variety of content.
22 ago

Top Netflix Tricks for Meditation
Find the best Netflix tricks for meditating and finding inner peace.
10 ago

Tricks to Save Money with Netflix
The best trick to save on Netflix is to share the account with other people.
25 jul

Top 5 Netflix Thrillers
Discover the best thrillers available on Netflix Spain with this list of the 5 most exciting titles that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
21 jul

How to add an extra subscriber on Netflix
You may want to share your Netflix account with others, and with the new way of sharing, you'll need to add them as an extra subscriber.
13 jul

Watch Netflix for free from home
Netflix has become one of the most popular streaming platforms in the world, and you can have it for free.
16 may

New way to share your Netflix subscription
Log in to Netflix and enjoy all its content after registering for the new account sharing option on the platform.
16 feb

The new way to share Netflix
Netflix has updated the way to share its subscription in Spain. This update offers new features along with a rate increase.
14 dic

Second season of "Wednesday" on Netflix
We tell you everything we know about the Wednesday series and the upcoming season that could premiere at the end of 2023.