23 ene

What are Duolingo divisions?
Divisions allow users to focus on specific areas where they may need more practice.
20 dic

Duolingo English Test
The English test on Duolingo is designed to be completed in approximately 45 minutes.
23 ago

Learn Hindi with Duolingo
Learning Hindi with Duolingo can become easier and more manageable when dealing with a more complicated language.
19 ago

Learn Korean with Duolingo
Learning Korean can be a challenge, but with Duolingo, it can be fun and effective.
05 ago

How to get the family plan on Duolingo
The best way to take full advantage of Duolingo's potential is through the Premium Family Plan.
10 jul

Learn the language of Belgium with Duolingo
The country has three official languages: Dutch, French, and German.
12 jun

Learn Swedish with Duolingo
Learning Swedish can be a challenge, but with the help of Duolingo, it can be a rewarding and accessible experience.