30 abr

Crunchyroll vs Animebox
In the world of anime, there are two platforms that stand out above the rest: Crunchyroll and Animebox.
17 ene

How to Watch Solo Leveling on Crunchyroll
Solo Leveling is a highly popular South Korean manhwa, known for its exciting plot and detailed illustrations.
04 ene

Log in to Crunchyroll
Before you can log in to Crunchyroll, you will need to create an account. The process is simple and free.
02 ene

How to Get Crunchyroll Free
Crunchyroll offers two types of accounts: free and premium. The free account allows users to access a limited amount of content with adverts.
28 dic

How to watch Crunchyroll for free
Complete guide to enjoying your favourite anime without paying a fortune. Everything you need to know to get Crunchyroll Premium almost for free.
21 dic

The best content from Crunchyroll
Crunchyroll has established itself as the preferred destination for anime fans worldwide.
07 sept

How to share an Anime Box account
If you are an anime lover and have discovered Anime Box, it's very likely that you won't want to keep this secret just to yourself. Sharing your Anime Box subscription with others will allow you to reduce the cost of the individual subscription.
13 may

Discover How to Watch Anime Online!
Anime is a popular form of entertainment all over the world. If you like anime, you're surely wondering where you can watch your favorite series and movies online. Don't worry! You'll learn about the best streaming platforms to watch anime online, as well as tips for choosing the right service.
24 mar

The best website to watch anime
What is the best website to watch anime? Find out why Crunchyroll stands out above all others.