Compartir cuenta de Movistar Plus+

Share Movistar Plus+ account

Enjoy Movistar Plus+ from €7.00 per month by sharing the account.

From £7.00/month

Share Movistar Plus+ on Sharingful

Sharingful helps you to share the cost of your favorite subscriptions and save up to 70% of the price.

Did you know that the subscription price for Movistar Plus+ is £14.00, but by sharing the Movistar Plus+ account, you can have it from just £7.00 per month?

Sharing a Movistar Plus+ account is very easy.

Save with a shared Movistar Plus+ account.

Movistar Plus+

3 / 4 members

Movistar Plus+
Movistar Plus+

3 / 4 members

Movistar Plus+
Movistar Plus+

3 / 4 members

Movistar Plus+

Follow these 3 steps to join a Movistar Plus+ family.

What do you want to do?


Share my Movistar Plus+ account

To start sharing, you will only need to create an account on Movistar Plus+, or use an existing account and enter the details so that other family members can enjoy Movistar Plus+.

You will only have to enter the email and password for your Movistar Plus+ account.


  1. Register on Movistar Plus+ with your email if you do not have an active account.
  2. Enter the Movistar Plus+ credentials into the Sharingful wallet.
Compartir suscripciones en Sharingful

Testimonials from our users

Share Movistar Plus account

The best way to have Movistar Plus+ is on Sharingful, a platform for splitting your Movistar Plus+ expenses fairly.

Sharing your Movistar Plus+ subscription through Sharingful gives you the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of programs, movies, and sports events exclusive to Movistar Plus+. All this without affecting your wallet!

Benefits of sharing your Movistar Plus+ subscription

  1. Economic Savings: sharing a Movistar Plus+ subscription through platforms like Sharingful could allow users to split the cost of the subscription, resulting in economic savings for everyone involved compared to having individual subscriptions.

  2. Access all exclusive content: by sharing a subscription, everyone will have access to the exclusive content of Movistar Plus+, including movies, series, documentaries, and live programming.

  3. Flexibility and convenience: sharing a subscription can provide flexibility in terms of when and where to watch content. Users can access the platform on different devices and from various locations.

  4. Tailored customer service: Sharingful's support team will be available through various connection channels—you choose which one—and you'll receive a response and follow-up on your case within 24 hours. This ensures the proper functioning of the platform and guarantees fair splitting of your Movistar Plus+ subscription expenses.

  5. Security: with encryption security systems, your financial data is protected, ensuring peace of mind. Additionally, you won't have to worry about managing your payments or collections since everything is automated. You can enjoy all the content from Movistar Plus+ without any hassle.

If it's time to reduce the expenses of your streaming platforms, with Sharingful you can enjoy shared costs while still enjoying the exclusivity of Movistar Plus+. Moreover, you have the flexibility to vary your services; there are no commitments so that you can change your preferences and try new services whenever you want.

How to share your Movistar Plus+ account?

You have the option to join an already created family or share your own subscription; here are the steps for each case.

Create your family

To share your own subscription, you must create your family; this way others will join your family and you will be the one managing it. To create your family, follow these steps:

  1. Register on Sharingful and choose the "Form family" option
  2. Complete access details for your Movistar Plus+ account in the wallet
  3. Wait for others to join your family

As an administrator, you will receive money from family members at month-end so that you will save a lot on your subscription

Join a family 

To join someone else's subscription, you must become part of their family; this way you'll pay only a fraction of the subscription cost and have access to all content from Movistar Plus+. To join a family, follow these steps: 

  1. Register on Sharingful and choose "Pick Family"
  2. In either cinema or sports categories find  Movistar Plus+                 <o:p></o:p>
    "Pick Family"...........&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;o:p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;a>&a>&a>&a>&a>&a>&a>&a>
  3. In either cinema or sports categories find <o:p>Mov</o:p>ist<o:p>ar Pl</o:p>us<o:p>+</o:p>
  4. You'll see available families and can send requests as soon as they accept you'll have access to <o:p>Mov</o:p>i<o:p>s</o:p>t<o:p>a</o:p_gt;r Plu<o;p_gt;s+

If chosen as a member depending on payment method chosen renewals are processed and y ou'l l be enjoying platform at fair price If chosen as member depending upon payment modality selected renewals are processed, and y ou'l l be enjoying platform at fair price

H ow much does M ov istar P lus + s ubscription cost?

H ow much does M ov istar P lus + s ubscription cost?

Mov istar P lus + offers its TV plan for 14€ per month at S haringful as member it could cost you 8.40€ while as administrator y ou may earn up t o 7€ making y our s ubscription more affordable, depending how much y ou'r e willing t o save should choose one option over other.

H ow much does M ov istar P lus + s ubscription cost?

H ow much does M ov istar P lus + s ubscription cost?

Mov istar P lus + offers its TV plan for 14€ per month at S haringful as member it could cost you 8.40€ while as administrator y ou may earn up t o 7€ making y our s ubscription more affordable, depending how much y ou'r e willing t o save should choose one option over other.

H ow much does M ov istar P lus + s ubscription cost?

H ow much does M ov istar P lus + s ubscription cost?

Mov istar P lus + offers its TV plan for 14€ per month at S haringful as member it could cost you 8.40€ while as administrator y ou may earn up t o 7€ making y our s ubscription more affordable, depending how much y ou'r e willing t o save should choose one option over other. What does M ov istar P lus + include ? What does M ov istar P lus + include ? What does M ov istar P lus + include ? What does M ov istar P lus + include ? What does M ov istar P lus + include ? What does M ov istar P lus + include ? What does M ov istar P lus + include ? What does M ov istar P lus + include ?

Frequently Asked Questions about sharing Movistar Plus+ account

The process to form a family is very quick and simple. Before you can form a family, you must have logged in and linked a bank account so that Sharingful can transfer the money to you. Once you have the bank account linked, with four steps you will have formed a family. These are:

  1. You need to choose the option to Form a family from the menu or on the main screen, once you have logged in.
  2. Choose the category of the digital platform family.
  3. Choose the digital platform you want to share.
  4. Choose the limit of members who can join your family.
  5. Enter the necessary credentials or data and we will verify that it is correct.
  6. Once we verify the accuracy of the data, your family will be available for other members.
  7. PS: You cannot belong to more than one family from the same digital platform at the same time.

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The process to join a family is very simple. Before you can join a family, you must have logged in and have a linked card so that Sharingful can process transactions between users. Once you have added a card, with four steps you will have joined a family. These are:

  1. You must choose the option to Select family from the menu or on the main screen, once you have logged in.
  2. Choose the category of the digital platform family you want to join.
  3. Choose the digital platform.
  4. Send a request to one or several families of the digital platform.
  5. Relax and wait for the administrator to accept you.

PS: You cannot belong to more than one family from the same digital platform at the same time

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Information about sharing Movistar Plus+

Share Movistar Plus account

Share Movistar Plus account

Movistar Plus is a pay television platform in Spain that offers a subscription with a large amount of content, such as movies, series, documentaries, and sports events.

How to have Movistar+ Plus subscription

How to have Movistar+ Plus subscription

The first step to obtaining a Movistar + Plus subscription is to visit their official website.

How to subscribe to Movistar Plus+

How to subscribe to Movistar Plus+

The first step to subscribe to Movistar Plus+ is to visit their official page.

For any questions, you can contact us via email. Remember that you can also write to us through the chat in the bottom right corner.