Share Filmin on Sharingful
Sharingful helps you to share the cost of your favorite subscriptions and save up to 70% of the price.
Did you know that the subscription price for Filmin is £7.99, but by sharing the Filmin account, you can have it from just £4.00 per month?
Sharing a Filmin account is very easy.
Become an admin
Register and click on "Create a family group" if you already have a Filmin subscription and want to share your account with others.
Form the family
Create a Filmin family, you will be able to share the account with up to 1 more people. You will only have to select how many people you want to share the subscription with.
Receive the payments
Once you have formed the family, you will receive the money from your family members at the end of each month from the date they joined. You will receive £4.00 per person and you can receive up to a total of £4.00 by sharing your subscription with 1 more people.
Save with a shared Filmin account.
3 / 4 members
3 / 4 members
3 / 4 members
Follow these 3 steps to join a Filmin family.
Look for a family.
Click on "Choose family" and select the Filmin family you want to join.
Send requests
Now you will only have to send a request to the family you want to join.
Access the wallet
Once the administrator has accepted your request, your payment is processed and you will then have access to the wallet where the updated credentials of Filmin will be located.
What do you want to do?
Share my Filmin account
Join someone else's Filmin family
To start sharing, you will need to create an account on Filmin, or use your own and enter the details so that other members can begin to enjoy the platform.
You will only need to enter the email address and password for your Filmin account.
- Register on Filmin with your email, if you do not already have an active account.
- Select the basic monthly subscription plan and enter your Filmin credentials into the Sharingful wallet.
You will need to enter the email address and password you find in the family's Wallet on Filmin.
If you have any problems, you can always report them, and we will take care of the rest.
- Enter the credentials found in the Sharingful wallet and start enjoying!
Testimonials from our users
Share Filmin account
What is Filmin and how can I share it on Sharingful?
Filmin is a platform that gives you access to an extensive catalog of movies and series, including iconic and emblematic titles that will transport you to the golden years of Hollywood. If you are a movie lover, Filmin is the perfect place for you. However, we know that the associated cost can be a factor to consider.
At Sharingful, we offer you a solution to enjoy all the benefits of Filmin at a more affordable price. How? By sharing your subscription on our platform.
What are the benefits of sharing your Filmin account on Sharingful?
1. Economic savings: By sharing your subscription with others, you can divide the amount among members, which significantly reduces expenses. Enjoying Filmin's catalog has never been so affordable.
2. Simultaneous access: Both in the basic plan and in the Plus plan, you can enjoy Filmin content on two different screens at the same time. This means that you can share the experience with someone else without restrictions.
3. Privacy and security: At Sharingful, we care about ensuring the privacy and security of your data. You can share your Filmin subscription with peace of mind, knowing that you are protected by our security measures.
4. Support and customer service: Our customer service team is available to provide personalized assistance at any time. We are here to help with any questions or problems you may have while sharing your subscription.
How can I share my Filmin subscription on Sharingful?
1. Create an account on Sharingful: Sign up on our platform to start sharing your Filmin subscription. We will help connect you with other users who have the same goal of saving money and enjoying Filmin at the same time.
2. Create a family or look for a family to join on Sharingful: Join forces with other users to share your Filmin subscription and enjoy all the services offered by the platform. In addition, you will receive monthly financial compensation for sharing your subscription.
3. Enjoy unlimited Filmin: Once you have formed a family on Sharingful, you'll be able to enjoy all of Filmin's content at home, whether it's through your Smart TV, Apple TV, Android TV or other compatible devices.
Frequently Asked Questions about sharing Filmin account
Information about sharing Filmin
Share Filmin account
Sharing your Filmin account is very easy. All you need to do is log in to your Filmin account on the device you want to share with, and that's it.
How much does the Filmin subscription cost
The monthly plan for Filmin costs 7.99 euros per month, although you can share the account and save 4€.
Take Advantage of Filmin Offers
These offers may vary, but they often include discounts on subscriptions, access to exclusive content, or even free subscriptions for a limited period of time.
How to watch Filmin for free
The simplest way to watch Filmin for free is to take advantage of their free trial.
Guide on how to log in to Filmin
Logging into Filmin is a simple and straightforward process. However, before you can log in, you will need to create an account.